James Grantham Turner. Eros Visible: Art, Sexuality and Antiquity in Renaissance Italy
James Grantham Turner. Eros Visible: Art, Sexuality and Antiquity in Renaissance Italy
James Grantham Turner. Eros Visible: Art, Sexuality and Antiquity in Renaissance Italy
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Eros Visible: Art, Sexuality and Antiquity in Renaissance Italy Hardcover – October 31, 2017

Focusing on the impact of the erotic revolution that swept through 16th-century Italy, Eros Visible presents a compendious, revisionist account of High Renaissance art. Through close visual analysis of artworks and careful reading of related texts, James Grantham Turner demonstrates the surprisingly close connection between explicitly pornographic art and the canonical works of masters such as Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo. Full of new discoveries, this volume explores the passionate response to antiquity and how a new sex-positive philosophy not only encouraged an increased accentuation of sensual and erotic themes in art, but influenced the sexual cultures of both the court and the art studio. With an interdisciplinary approach that draws on a wide array of visual and textual erotica, Turner offers the first broad, synthetic history of the classically inspired and unambiguously lascivious sensibilities behind some of the most sublime artistic achievements of the Renaissance.

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